TRX Courses in Wisconsin

Are you looking for TRX Training Courses in Wisconsin? We will go over how to find TRX Education training in your area. It is very simple to find out the schedule and location. Courses are offered in various cities so it is always good to look back often.

There are two options available now: In Person and Online courses.

The In Person courses may not be readily available in Wisconsin, so you may need to check back often to see availability for your area. The Online courses can be taken from anywhere.

How to find the TRX Course schedule in Wisconsin

  1. Go to the TRX website here.
  2. Click on “Find a Course” button that appears in the middle of the page.
  3. Enter your zip code or scroll through the list that appears.
  4. Choose whether you would like In Person or Virtual.
  5. Click register if the time is right for you.

Register for TRX Certificate here

TRX Training in Wisconsin Reviews

As a professional, of course I would recommend this course to others who live in the State of Wisconsin. The fundamentals of exercise can only be obtained through functional training and TRX Suspension Trainers gives just that with no need to add extras. It is critical for all professionals in the fitness industry to educate and obtain the best certifications out there and TRX Suspension Training Course is one of those certs that are a most have. I use my TRX everyday with clients, boot camps, and my personal fitness. – Tiffanie Stevenson, Wisconsin

Click here for more information about TRX training courses.